We are OPEN! However, unfortunately our Café is currently closed, we apologise for any inconvenience (our Café is seasonal: April - October) 

Father Christmas Experience

Family Kids
  • Saturday 10:15 to 16:00
  • Sunday 10:15 to 16:00
  • The Main Abbey
  • Suitable for ages from 2 to 15 years old
  • Child Ticket - £9.50

We are thrilled to announce that Father and Mother Christmas will be returning to Torre Abbey for the Christmas season. They will be joining us in our enchanting Undercroft Winter Wonderland, promising an experience as heart-warming and memorable as last year!

They are very much looking forward to meeting the children and helping families to make the season even more special!

Due to last years popularity and high demand we have added an additional weekend - book your space now to ensure you don't miss this festive treat!

Each family will have exclusive time with Father and Mother Christmas and receive a special Christmas gift.

On your visit you will also be able to explore the Abbey and Gardens, visit our 800 years of Christmas exhibition and take in the festive atmosphere of the outdoor Christmas Market and our  Winterfest craft fair. (Christmas Market 29th November - 21 December - and Winterfest will be the weekend of 30th November - 1st December).

Torre Abbey wants every family to have the best experience possible when they visit Father and Mother Christmas. If there is anything that would help with your families individual needs please contact us on torreabbeyenquiries@torbay.gov.uk and we will do our best to accommodate your requirements.



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